Rohit Krishi Multicrop Planter

Rohit Krishi's huge range of planters for every crop, every tractor..... Available in 4/5 tyne 7/9 tine 11 tyne 13 tyne.

Rohit Krishi Multicrop Planter

Rohit Krishi's huge range of planters for every crop, every tractor..... Available in 4/5 tyne 7/9 tine 11 tyne 13 tyne.

Rohit Krishi Multicrop Planter

Rohit Krishi Multicrop Planter

No. of Tynes :-5 to 11
•    Frame Size :- 5.5 ft to 8 ft
•    suitable for 35+ hp tractor
•    Side depth 
•    wheel for depth control
•    inclined plate metering

Rohit Planter
*sowing in progress*
Sowing with Rohit…………………….
*Means more yield, more earning*
*Sowing is done by counting, not by kilos.
*Save seeds, reduce the cost of farming
*Separate compartments in seed box for sowing of intervening crops
*Facility to easily change time distance
*Uniform germination
*Special side wheel to maintain sowing depth and stability of planter

Rohit Krishi Multicrop Planter

  • Suitable for all types of crop sowing
  • Saves seed, fertilizer and time
  • Adjustable tynes
  • Stainless steel fertilizer box
  • Heavy duty frame
  • Low maintenance